Working Hard or Hardly Working?

University of Sydney Photo

University of Sydney

Famous Quadrangle

University of Sydney Fast Facts

Classes I Took Abroad

Selfie at USYD Business School Stairs Me in front of USYD

Overall Opinion of Academics Abroad

Since Sydney is on the Southern Hemisphere, their summer is our winter. This is reflected in their academic calendar, as their 1st term is February to June, and their 2nd term is September to December.

I took the Digital Business Innovation course as an intensive January course, and while I had 9 hours of class per week for 5 weeks, the class itself was enjoyable and not difficult. I should also mention that study abroad courses through Ross must be taken Pass / Fail, so I was not as stressed to get the perfect grade.

Starting in mid-February to end of May, I took a UX design studio course and an entrepreneurship class. I was able to schedule all classes on Wednesdays and Fridays, so I only had two days of class per week. The UX design studio was time-consuming since it was 6 hours all on Wednesday, but I was able to build an awesome project where you can learn more here. For the entrepreneurship class, our team built a platform that encourages high school girls to enroll in STEM courses, and I enjoyed working on a team that was primarily Australians.